Andrea Tate MAR Reflexology in Egham & Staines, Surrey

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Reflexology in Egham and Staines

Welcome to my Reflexology website!

I am Andrea Tate, a professional reflexologist based in Staines, Surrey. My home therapy room is tranquil, relaxing and peaceful and it is within easy reach from Egham, Englefield Green, Thorpe, Virginia Water, Chertsey, Laleham and Ashford.



Relax and rebalance your mind-body with Reflexology -

a natural way to better health

In our busy, face paced lives we face new challenges on a daily basis. As pressure builds we find ourselves under stress. In this stressful state we often lose our ability to easily unwind and just to listen to our body. Reflexology is a natural, non-invasive healthcare therapy that can support your mind-body to rebalance and reset itself. This stress buster is an ideal therapy to form part of a regular health maintenance program.

How can I help

Reflexology may very well be able to help you if you are experiencing symptoms that are related to stress including but not limited to: hormonal imbalances, aches and pains, fatigue, sleep problems, digestive issues, tension etc. Or you may simply would like to just detox and look after your own well-being. For an appointment please click on the "Book Now" button below. My private Reflexology clinic is based in Staines, central location, with easy parking and access.

TO BOOK IN please - email / text / whatsapp / call me / leave a voice mail - and I will gladly book you in myself.

Tel: 07525057734 , email: (or use the email link via my website, it is located in the side bar)

From September onwards I will offer acupuncture too.

My experiences

During my professional career of 12 years I have treated clients presenting with a wide variety of conditions. At the moment my attention is turned mostly to working with patients who are living with cancer. In order to best support them I have attended:

- a specialised 4-day-long Oncology Reflexology course with the Middlesex School of Complementary Medicine,
- Dr. Carol Samuel's workshop for "Pain in Cancer Survivors" and most recently
- Reflexology Lymph Drainage with Sally Kay.

I find that reflexology gently brings on a deep state of relaxation that is so welcome for patients living with life changing conditions. This deep state of relaxation allows the body to do the necessary repair work and elimination on physical level and give a chance to the mind to switch off and ease anxiety, tension and stress. In turn quality of sleep improves, some side effects of treatment and symptoms of the condition, such as constipation, hot flushes, peripheral neuropathy and lymphoedema lessen.

I also have experience of working with the elderly who greatly appreciate the soothing and discomfort relieving beneficial effects of Reflexology.

Client Testimonials


"One of the side effects of chemotherapy is neuropathy in my hands and feet. Since having regular reflexology sessions with Andrea, I have noticed a marked improvement. I have had reflexology treatments with other practitioners, but Andrea is outstanding".

"I have monthly treatments with Andrea to keep me re-balanced. Andrea's calm and caring personality pours through and I love the peace and tranquility that hour of quiet 'Me' time, my reflexology treatments with Andrea give me to recharge.
I recently had a bout of sciatica and so had 2 treatments 2 days apart - the day after my 2nd treatment I was free of pain and back to full mobility - brilliant!"

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I invite you to watch this short video about "What is Reflexology?"

Why choose me?

I am:
- a qualified professional reflexologist with over 10 years' of experience,
- fully insured,
- a proud member of the Association of Reflexologists (hence the letters MAR after my name) and as such committed to the AOR’s professional code of practice. To visit the AOR's website please click here. You can find me in the "Find a Reflexologist" search option by looking for Reflexologist in Staines,
- dedicated to keeping to continuous professional development,
- based in Staines, my home therapy room's location is central just off The Causeway in Staines near Sainsbury's (handy if you need to do grocery shopping, you can kill two birds with one stone), it is easily found and has dedicated parking space on our driveway.

Health and Medical Insurance

My training and my AOR membership allows the reflexology treatments to be reclaimed by Private Health insurance and medical cash back schemes such as BUPA, Paycare, Medicash, Sovereign, Healthshield Cash Plan.
Please do check the policy details of your individual cover .

Treatment packages, Taster session and Gift vouchers available

For more details please click here

Give the gift of wellbeing not things! - Reflexology, an ethical choice

Andrea Tate, MAR, professional AOR Reflexologist, wellbeing promoter covering the areas of: Staines, Egham, Ashford, Virginia Water, Thorpe, Chertsey.


Reflexologists do not claim to diagnose, cure nor prescribe.

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